Twin Post: Hibiscus



I swear it seems like these twin blog posts are all I have energy for lately. This month I was paired with Gemma from My Adventures in Nail Art to do hibiscus nails (our theme was flowers). I was thrilled to get hibiscus because it’s my favorite flower. My mom still grows them at her house.

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Twin Post: Mandarin Fish



I got my computer up and running again. Thank you Fanboy ♥! Anyway, I have a nail art post for you today. I joined the Twin Blog Post group on Facebook and this month I was paired up with Marijana from Nails From Fairytale and this month’s theme was animal print. We were given tropical fish, and chose to do a mandarin fish.

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Stash Staples: Black and White and Gold and Silver



Oh boy, I have missed you guys, and the blog, and everything! I am so so sorry for the hiatus, but it really couldn’t be helped. But now, I think I have enough Christmas gift polish to last me until I make it back home to Colorado (things didn’t progress as much as we wanted them too), so it’s time to bring the blog back in a big way.

And by big way, I mean huge. Like, a post two months in the making and what probably looks like a new section, maybe? We’ll see how my stash evolves before I decide.

But, anyway, Stash Staples. I know the concept has been done before (and maybe even called just this, but a quick Google turned up nothing), but obviously it always helps to have multiple opinions. So, in Stash Staples I’m gonna talk about polishes/colors I feel you should totally have in your stash, and what polishes I have in mine to fill that niche (and some other options of varying price points on the off chance the one in my collection is HTF). And I’m gonna start with four very basic colors: black, white, gold, and silver.

And because I like overkill, I’m not going to just discuss basics, no. I also have for you crackle polishes and textured polishes in these four colors as well, because I don’t think textured is quite on the way out, and there’s still so much you can do with crackle polishes (see the crackle gradients I’ve done here and here).

(I wanted to include some other polish types, like glitter and magnetic but I either didn’t own at least one polish in each of the chosen colors, a polish didn’t exist in one of the chosen colors – see my search for a white magnetic polish – or both. I also decided against trying to find mattes in these colors since it’s possible to turn any polish matte with a matte top coat.)

Anyway, let’s get going.

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May (and June) Haul



Hey guys! I’ve got a huge haul post for you guys today! This is all the nail stuff I bought in May (because I forgot to do a post last month) and June, and it’s a lot. A lot more than I thought it was. Oops.

So, if you’re on a slower connection, I do apologize because this is super pic heavy.

Also, I’m going to try to get into the habit of making these monthly, so the next one isn’t quite so big. Unless I go a little crazy.

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